Chickens in Your Backyard
Curious about raising chickens in your backyard? Or do you already have chickens and need a few tips and pointers? This is the class for you!
Saturday, January 25th 1:00pm-3:00pm
$10 adult members, $5 child members; $18 adult non-members, $7 child non-members
We are thrilled to welcome back Becky Johnson, chicken advocate and experienced chicken-owner, as she discusses the pros and cons of raising your own backyard chickens. We will cover issues including local chicken ordinances, choosing a good backyard breed, proper care and basic requirements, and much more.
After the indoor talk, we will adventure outdoors to see practical examples of chicken raising on the farm as we tour the coop, discover how to hold a chicken, and learn about the different breeds of chickens at Gorman Heritage Farm!
Becky has owned chickens in Wyoming, Ohio for many years and has taught “Chickens in Your Backyard” at Gorman Heritage Farm for over a decade. She loves sharing her knowledge about chickens and would call herself a “backyard chicken advocate.” In her spare time, she teaches public history at Xavier University.
One ticket purchase covers the cost of attending the full 2 hour program, access to the handouts and educational materials, and farm admission for you for the day. The farm is open from 9am-3pm.
Not at all! Eventbrite will redirect you to a PayPal pop-up to take payment, but you can simply enter your card information by selecting the grey “Pay with Credit or Debit Card” button at the bottom.
Dress in layers to be prepared to both sit inside for an hour and walk around outside (less than a mile on a hilly path) for an hour.