Meet Bill Martin

About Bill

Cincinnati is my hometown; I was born and raised here. I am a St. X. graduate and got my degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. I started off working on dams, bridges and highways which segued into airport construction where I spent most of my career. I have a beautiful wife, Toni, who is a fabric artist and she likes to travel with me and explore new places. I have 3 grown-up stepchildren with Toni and enjoy sharing holidays with them and my daughter, Christy. I have 2 grandsons, Ryker and Easton who live nearby, have attended summer camp here at the Farm and definitely keep me on my toes. My brother, Steve, and his family used to live here too but last year moved to New York. I often brought Steve in with me to volunteer and we were dubbed “The Demolition Brothers” until he moved away. He still comes to visit and looks forward to joining me on the Farm on whatever that week’s project happens to be. I enjoy golfing as often as possible and riding my motorcycle on beautiful days. I love to drive and if I can, that is my favorite way to travel. We get to see all the places in between. They say it is the journey not just the destination. But I do it because that way I can bring everything I want on our vacation with me!

How long have you volunteered at GHF?
4.5 years. I first came to Row by Row as a guest and was dragged up onto the dance floor by Jenny Daughetee, a staff member. While dancing, I mentioned that I was looking for a place to volunteer and she told me about all there was on the Farm. My life has never been the same. My first day of volunteering was 9/1/2014.

What is your favorite volunteer job at Gorman?
I really like to build stuff using my hands while being outside. I have been canoeing in the pond to clear and move the fountain while working with vendors to control the algae. I helped to put up Kentucky 4-board fencing in several stretches and put up a tall deer fence in the renovated orchard with a few others. My most recent job was coordinating and managing the work on the reconstructed farm office. It was a 9+month long project that has resulted in a new office area for Farm and Garden staff and a large volunteer space. It was very rewarding. I enjoy coming to the Farm every Thursday where staff has a different job for me and then I stay for the potluck where there are more veggies than meat. The price I pay for volunteering at a Farm.

Why do you volunteer?
I am a Civil Engineer by trade and most of my career I have worked 14-18 hour days. As I get closer to retirement, I have cut down on my work hours and was looking for some tangible way to give back. I started volunteering at the Zoo in 2008 and still enjoy my involvement there. However, here at the Farm I never know what I will be doing and there is a community of volunteers. I enjoy meeting others and working with them towards a common goal and see it to the finish.

Are you a Member and/or Donor to the Farm?
Yes. I have been a Member when my grandkids were going to Camp but now I enjoy donating at Row by Row and donating in-kind for the auction and with supplies for projects that I am working on.

Volunteer hours worked in 2018
Bill estimates 350 hours total for the farm office project from April to December. There were 16 weeks from Jan-April, say he missed 2, that leaves 14 Thursdays for 2.5 hours per week (9:30am-12pm) adds another 35 hours. So, how about 385 hours in 2018?

Bill spent 385 hours volunteering at the Farm in 2018. That’s 23,100 minutes or over 48 8-hour days that we are so thankful for. We love and appreciate you Bill!