Meet Kathy and Dan Aerni

About Kathy and Dan

Kathy and Dan have four children and nine grandchildren (3 girls and 6 boys) that live all around the country. Dan spent his career as a consulting engineer. Kathy began her career as a school teacher, and transitioned to do office work for Dan when they had children. The flexibility of that position allowed her the time to volunteer at the Farm as her children finished school. Kathy’s favorite hobbies are gardening and sewing. During social distancing measures, she has been busy sewing masks and helping with garden tasks here at the Farm.

How long have you volunteered at GHF?
Kathy has volunteered at the Farm nearly 20 years! Dan has helped occasionally, but has been a more frequent face at the Farm during Covid-19. He typically volunteers much of his time at Habitat for Humanity, and that role is on hold.

What is your favorite volunteer job at Gorman?
Kathy could not choose between gardening and teaching since they are so intertwined here at the Farm! She enjoys planting and tending to numerous education beds that are maintained for children’s educational programming. Kathy is a frequent volunteer educator during field trips and enjoys interacting with the kids and seeing them taste from her beds. It allows her to use her skills she gained as a school teacher while not being stuck inside.

Why do you Volunteer?
Kathy began volunteering at the Farm as a positive way to spend her time and build friendships when her youngest finished high school. She was looking for an outlet to socialize since she was working at home by her self. She quickly enjoyed all the interesting and friendly people at the Farm, along with spending time outdoors.

Are you a Member and/or Donor to the Farm?
Yes and Yes.

Kathy is a frequent face at the Farm, spending at least 4-5 hours a week here. Thus, donating well over 200 hours of her time in 2019. We love Kathy and Dan’s smiling faces and all that they do for the Farm!